Resolution Redue

2017 might simply have been one of the fastest years of my life. No sooner had 2016 ended before I find myself already decorating again for Christmas in 2017. So as I wrap up the last year (no pun intended) and place all my Christmas things away, I thought I’d write a post about the New Year.

Last year was hard, for lack of a better word, both personally and from a world perspective. There are many I know who greatly welcome 2018, though what it will bring is a mystery. It is usually during this time my social media is flooded with New Year’s resolutions. Something to resolve before year’s end. Something to change, make better, or remove. But I’ve never been good at resolutions and usually February comes with no progress but completely giving up on whatever I had challenged myself to do.

Except last year that changed for me, I decided that if I couldn’t handle resolutions I could instead handle goals. Goals sound nicer, less final than resolutions and more forgiving when they aren’t met by a certain deadline. And last years goal was a spiritual one. I wanted to know the word of God more. To read it everyday and have it to recall on both when everything was fine and also when it wasn’t. So I started doing bible studies with She Reads Truth and I signed myself up for their auto shipping program for each new study.

Did I read my bible everyday? No. But I did retain a lot more than even I could have imagined. Am I reciting verses left and right to all who are around me? No. But I’ve grown in my relationship with God and it is stronger than it has been before. So my personal goal for 2017 helped me grow as a person. It helped me to better understand myself and it provided comfort in those hard times.

2017 goal gave me confidence that I can grow and it has made me want to learn more about myself. Which has made me ponder what I’d like to make a goal in 2018 and I’ve decided to make it about a year of learning.

Here are a few things I’d like to learn:

  • To play the Ukulele
  • To learn a second language
  • To learn some graphic design techniques

I don’t want to grow my list too long, but I hope to accomplish something no matter how good I am at it or not.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year. And may it bring you joy, love, and health.

Happy Reading,
